Non-local ("strain-gradient") effects on the constitutive behaviour of polycrystalline metals undergoing plastic deformations



1) BARDELLA L. (2005). A deformation theory of strain gradient crystal plasticity for the description of the variation in strength and strain hardening with changing size. MICROMECHANICS SEMINAR SERIES & WORKSHOPS, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge (UK), 18 November 2005.

2) BARDELLA L. (2006). A deformation theory of strain gradient crystal plasticity that accounts for geometrically necessary dislocations. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 54/1, pp. 128-160 ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI

3) BARDELLA L. (2007). Some remarks on the strain gradient crystal plasticity modelling, with particular reference to the material length scales involved. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. vol. 23/2, pp. 296-322 ISSN: 0749-6419. DOI

4) BARDELLA L. (2007). Size effects and strain gradient crystal plasticity. First Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GMA07), Trento (Italy). 23-24 February.

5) BARDELLA L. (2007). Polycrystal plasticity: size effects and strain gradient modelling. Invited talk at the Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy), 16 March 2007.

6) BARDELLA L. (2007). A strain gradient crystal plasticity theory based on dislocation densities. Computational Plasticity IX. Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona (Spain). 5-7 September. (pp. 969-972). Proceedings edited by E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, B. Suarez. ISBN: 978-84-96736-27-6.

7) BARDELLA L., GIACOMINI A. (2007). Size effects and strain gradient plasticity: how many length scales should be involved in the modelling? AIMETA 2007: XVIII Italian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Brescia (Italy). 11-14 September. Proceedings edited by A. Carini, G. Mimmi, R. Piva. ISBN: 978-88-89720-69-1.

8) BARDELLA L., GIACOMINI A. (2008). A comparison between crystal and isotropic modellings of strain gradient crystal plasticity. Second Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GMA08), Genova (Italy). 29 February-1 March.

9) BARDELLA L., GIACOMINI A. (2008). Influence of material parameters and crystallography on the size effects describable by means of strain gradient plasticity. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 56/9, pp. 2906-2934 ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI

10) BARDELLA L. (2009). A comparison between crystal and isotropic strain gradient plasticity theories with accent on the role of the plastic spin. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS. vol. 28/3, pp. 638-646 ISSN: 0997-7538. DOI

11) BARDELLA L. (2009). The role of the plastic spin in strain gradient plasticity. Third Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GMA09), Milano (Italy). 23-24 January.

12) BARDELLA L. (2009). Size effects and strain gradient plasticity: how many length scales should be involved in the modelling? Invited talk at the Department of Materials Science, Universidad Polit cnica de Madrid (Spain), 3 March 2009.

13) BARDELLA L. (2009). Size effects in isotropic strain gradient plasticity constitutively involving the plastic spin. 4th International Symposium on Defects and Material Mechanics (ISDMM09), Trento (Italy). 6-9 July.

14) BARDELLA L. (2009). The influence of the dissipation due to the plastic spin on the size effects describable by means of isotropic strain gradient plasticity. AIMETA 2009: XIX Italian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Ancona (Italy). 14-17 September. Proceedings edited by S. Lenci. ISBN: 978-88-96378-08-3.

15) BARDELLA L. (2009). Modelling the size effects of polycrystals by means of strain gradient plasticity. Invited talk at the Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 13 November 2009.

16) BARDELLA L. (2010). Size effects in phenomenological strain gradient plasticity constitutively involving the plastic spin. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE. vol. 48/5, pp. 550-568 ISSN: 0020-7225. DOI

17) BARDELLA L., SEGURADO J. (2011). Size effects in metallic microcomponents: a comparison between strain gradient plasticity and discrete dislocation dynamics. Fifth Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GMA2011), Udine. 23-25 February.

18) BARDELLA L. (2011). Studies of small-scale plasticity. Invited talk at the Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark, 7 April 2011.

19) BARDELLA L., SEGURADO J. (2011). A comparison between strain gradient crystal plasticity and discrete dislocation dynamics. ICMM2: 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling. Paris. 31st August-2nd September. Book of abstracts edited by J. Besson e M. Maziere. pp 189. ISBN: 978-2911256-61-5.

20) BARDELLA L., SEGURADO J. (2011). A comparison between strain gradient crystal plasticity and discrete dislocation dynamics. AIMETA 2011: XX Italian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Bologna (Italy). 12-15 September. Proceedings edited by F. Ubertini, E. Viola, S. de Miranda e G. Castellazzi. ISBN: 978-88-906340-0-0 (print, volume of abstracts) ISBN: 978-88-906340-1-7 (online, extended proceedings).

21) BARDELLA L., SEGURADO J., PANTEGHINI A., LLORCA J. (2013). Latent hardening size effect in small-scale plasticity. MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. vol. 21/5, 055009 (28 pages) ISSN: 0965-0393. FEATURED ARTICLE. DOI

22) BARDELLA L., SEGURADO J., PANTEGHINI A., LLORCA J. (2013). Latent hardening size effect in small-scale plasticity. Computational Plasticity XII. Fundamentals and Applications. Invited session "Material Size-effects in Plasticity" organised by Viggo Tvergaard and Christian F. Niordson. Barcelona (Spain). 3-5 September. Proceedings edited by E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric, B. Suarez. ISBN: 978-84-941531-5-0.

23) BARDELLA L. (2014). Studies of small-scale plasticity. Invited talk at the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genova, 6 March 2014.

24) BARDELLA L., SEGURADO J., PANTEGHINI A., LLORCA J. (2014). Latent hardening size effect in small-scale plasticity. EUROMECH Colloquium 563 on Generalized Continua and Their Application to the Design of Composites and Metamaterials, Cisterna di Latina (Italy). 17-21 March.

25) BARDELLA L. (2014). Crystal and phenomenological distortion-gradient plasticity theories. Invited talk at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia, 11 September 2014.

26) BARDELLA L. (2015). Modelling the torsion of thin metal wires by distortion gradient plasticity. Invited talk at the F d ration Francilienne de M canique, S minaire le-de-France, cole Nationale Sup rieure d'Arts et M tiers ParisTech (ENSAM), 15 January 2015.

27) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A. (2015). Modelling the torsion of thin metal wires by distortion gradient plasticity. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 78, pp. 467-492 ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI

28) BARDELLA L. (2015). Modelling the torsion of thin metal wires by distortion gradient plasticity. Invited talk at the Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark, 26 May 2015.

29) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A. (2015). Modelling the torsion of thin metal wires by phenomenological distortion gradient plasticity. KEYNOTE presentation at the 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Madrid (Spain). 6-10 July.

30) MARTÍNEZ-PAÑEDA E., NIORDSON C.F., BARDELLA L. (2015). A finite element basis for distortion gradient plasticity theory. Computational Plasticity XIII. Fundamentals and Applications. Invited session "Non-local and Strain Gradient Plasticity". Barcelona (Spain). 1-3 September.

31) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A. (2015). Modelling the torsion of thin metal wires by phenomenological distortion gradient plasticity. AIMETA 2015: XXII Italian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Genova (Italy). 14-17 September. Proceedings edited by L. Gambarotta and A. Morro. ISBN: 978-88-97752-52-3.

32) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2016). On the Finite Element implementation of higher-order gradient plasticity, with focus on theories based on plastic distortion incompatibility. XXI Italian Conference on Computational Mechanics and VIII Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GIMC-GMA 2016), Lucca (Italy). 27-29 June. Proceedings edited by M. Paggi, A. Bacigalupo, S. Bennati, C. Borri, M. Corrado, A. Gizzi, P.S. Valvo. Tipolitografia Contini, Sesto Fiorentino (Florence). ISBN: 9791220013338.

33) MARTÍNEZ-PAÑEDA E., NIORDSON C.F., BARDELLA L. (2016). A finite element framework for distortion gradient plasticity with applications to bending of thin foils. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. vol. 96, pp. 288-299 ISSN: 0020-7693. DOI OpenAccess

34) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2016). On the Finite Element implementation of higher-order gradient plasticity, with focus on theories based on plastic distortion incompatibility. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING. vol. 310, pp. 840-865 ISSN: 0045-7825. DOI

35) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2016). Implicit finite element algorithms for higher-order gradient plasticity theory. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016). Montréal (Canada). Invited contribution in the Thematic session "Sizescale Effects in Materials". 21-26 August.

36) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2017). On the finite element implementation of higher-order gradient plasticity theories. Computational Plasticity XIV. Fundamentals and Applications. Invited session "Size-effects in Metal Plasticity". Barcelona (Spain). 5-7 September.

37) BARDELLA L. (2020). Strain Gradient Plasticity. In: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, edited by H. Altenbach and A. Öchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 2330-2341. ISBN: 978-3-662-55770-9. DOI Living reference since 2017 DOI

38) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2018). H(curl) finite element analysis of distortion gradient plasticity. IUTAM Symposium on Size-Effects in Microstructure and Damage Evolution, Kgs. Lyngby (DK). 27 May-1 June. Proceedings edited by K.L. Nielsen, C.F. Niordson, V. Tvergaard. DTU Mechanical Engineering, Section of Solid Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark. Nils KLoppels Allé, Bld. 404, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby. ISBN: 978-87-7475-521-0.

39) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2018). On the role of higher-order conditions in distortion gradient plasticity. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 118, pp.293-321 ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI

40) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2018). On the mechanical response due to higher-order boundary conditions in distortion gradient plasticity based on dislocation density tensor. ESMC 2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna (Italy). 2-6 July.

41) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2018). H(curl) finite element analysis of distortion gradient plasticity. XXII Italian Conference on Computational Mechanics and IX Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GIMC-GMA 2018), Ferrara (IT). 13-14 September.

42) BARDELLA L. (2019). Studies of micron scale size effects in metals through higher-order gradient plasticity based on plastic distortion incompatibility. Invited talk at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, 27 March 2019.

43) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L., NIORDSON C.F. (2019). A potential for higher-order phenomenological strain gradient plasticity to predict reliable response under non-proportional loading. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A: MATHEMATICAL, PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES. vol. 475/2229, 20190258 (21 pages) ISSN: 1364-5021. DOI

44) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L., NIORDSON C.F. (2019). A mixed energetic/dissipative higher-order potential for strain-gradient plasticity under non-proportional loading. Computational Plasticity XV. Fundamentals and Applications. Invited session "Length Scales in Plasticity and Fracture". Barcelona (Spain). 3-5 September.

45) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A., NIORDSON C.F. (2019). A potential for strain gradient plasticity simulations free from unexpected interruptions of plastic flow under non-proportional loading. AIMETA 2019: XXIV Italian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Rome (Italy). 15-19 September.

46) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L. (2020). Modelling the cyclic torsion of polycrystalline micron-sized copper wires by distortion gradient plasticity. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. vol. 100/18, pp. 2352 2364 ISSN: 1478-6435. DOI

47) BARDELLA L., NIORDSON C.F. (2020). Strain Gradient Plasticity: Theory and Implementation. In: Mechanics of Strain Gradient Materials - CISM Lecture Notes vol. 600, pp. 101-149, edited by A. Bertram and S. Forest, Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-43829-6. DOI

48) BARDELLA L. (2021). On a mixed energetic-dissipative constitutive law for non-proportional loading, with focus on small-scale plasticity. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A: MATHEMATICAL, PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES. vol. 477/2248, 20200940 (17 pages) ISSN: 1364-5021. DOI

49) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A. (2021). Distortion gradient plasticity modelling of the small-scale behaviour of metals under non-proportional loading. IUTAM Symposium on Generalized continua emerging from microstructures. Paris (France), 19-23 July.

50) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A. (2021). Distortion gradient plasticity modelling of the small-scale behaviour of polycrystalline metals under non-proportional loading. 2nd International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials (IWPDF 2021). Ankara (Turkey, on-line), 18-20 August.

51) BARDELLA L., PANTEGHINI A. (2021). Modelling the cyclic torsion of polycrystalline micro-sized copper wires by distortion gradient plasticity. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2020+1 Virtual). Milano (Italy, on-line). Contribution in the Thematic session "Sizescale Effects in Materials". 23-27 August.

52) BARDELLA L., RUBIN M.B. (2022). An Eulerian formulation for modelling size-effects in finite-deformation inelastic response of metals at the micron-scale. ESMC 2022 - 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Galway (Ireland). 4-8 July.

53) BARDELLA L., RUBIN M.B. (2022). A size-dependent Eulerian formulation of plasticity accounting for geometrically necessary dislocations through a micro-plasticity rate. SNP2022 - 56th Meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy: Mechanics & Analysis dedicated to the memory of Morton E. Gurtin, Pisa (Italy). 21-23 September.

54) RUBIN M.B., BARDELLA L. (2023). An Eulerian thermodynamical formulation of size-dependent plasticity. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 170, 105122 (20 pages) ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI

55) BARDELLA L., RUBIN M.B. (2024). Size-dependent elastoplasticity relying on Eulerian rates of elastic incompatibilities. MFO Workshop 2410 on Mechanics of Materials: Multiscale Design of Advanced Materials and Structures, Oberwolfach (Germany), 3-8 March, Proceedings edited by S. Forest, D. McDowell, S. Müller, E. Werner. Oberwolfach Reports 21(1) 657-730, EMS Press. Invited presentation, p 677-682 DOI

56) BARDELLA L., RUBIN M.B. (2024). Size-dependent large-deformation elastoplasticity relying on Eulerian rates of elastic incompatibilities. EMMC19 - 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Madrid (Spain). 29-31 May.

57) RUBIN M.B., BARDELLA L. (2024). Eulerian rates of elastic incompatibilities in finite elastic-inelastic response of materials. 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024). Daegu (Korea). Thematic session on "Plasticity, Viscoplasticity and Creep". 25-30 August.

58) BARDELLA L., RUBIN M.B. (2024). Size-dependent elastoplasticity relying on Eulerian rates of elastic incompatibilities: application to large-deformation torsion. 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024). Daegu (Korea). Thematic session on "Plasticity, Viscoplasticity and Creep". 25-30 August.

59) RUBIN M.B., BARDELLA L. (2024). Eulerian rates of elastic incompatibilities applied to size-dependent hardening in finite torsion. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 193, 105905 (20 pages) ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI OpenAccess

60) PANTEGHINI A., BARDELLA L., RUBIN M.B. (2025). Modeling yield stress scaling and cyclic response using a size-dependent theory with two plasticity rate fields. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. vol. 194, 105930 (24 pages) ISSN: 0022-5096. DOI OpenAccess